First Orthodontic Visit
We look forward to meeting you on your first visit to our office. During this time, we will help you get acquainted with our office and learn about your orthodontic needs. We understand that each patient’s orthodontic treatment is different, and we promise to give you the personal attention you deserve. Your first orthodontic visit will consist of orthodontic records to assist in diagnosis and treatment planning along with an examination and evaluation of your teeth, bite, and aesthetic concerns. This important visit will address your needs to determine if this is the proper time to begin treatment.
If orthodontic treatment is recommended, our treatment coordinator will explain all aspects of your treatment in detail. We will provide a complete clinical diagnosis regarding the nature of the problem, a written summary of the findings to your general dentist, and a detailed plan that outlines your treatment, goals, and estimated fees. We encourage questions from both the patient and the parent, and as such, we provide ample time to answer your questions.
Future Appointments
Your scheduled appointment time has been reserved specifically for you. If you need to cancel your appointment, we request that you notify us at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time. We are aware that patients may sometimes be unable to attend their appointments due to unforeseen events and appreciate your cooperation in rescheduling those appointments promptly and with adequate advance notification.